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Sunday, August 19, 2012

Five great reasons to get a personal finance coach

It may seem expensive, especially if you're struggling to make ends meet but here's how a personal finance coach can benefit you:

1. They can teach you how to do better than just making ends meet. 
Let's face it.  If you are struggling financially, then you can't afford not to get a coach.  Your coach can give you some great tools for learning how to find and save money so that you can get your life back and not worry so much about what you can't afford.

2.They can keep you motivated.
Having a coach is like having a Gym buddy.  You are more likely to put in the effort if there is someone cheering you on and keeping you accountable.

3. They have done all the reading and research.
If sifting through finance books to see what is relevant to you puts you to sleep, don't worry.  Your personal finance coach has already read all of the books and can direct you to a number of strategies to help you improve your situation, or at least give you a list of chapters to read for yourself.

4.They have experience working their own finances.
Who better to explain what works than someone who has been there and done that.  Want help to learn how to keep track of your finances?  Here, use my spreadsheet.  Want to know why you're having trouble saving?  This is what happened to me.  Want to know how to get those debts down?  Check out these strategies.  Want some tips and tricks to get the best deal from retailers?  I've got the inside scoop. Come and see how I achieved my financial goals so that you can achieve yours.

5.They can be a sounding board for you to bounce ideas around.
A coach is a supportive person who is willing to listen to your point of view.  They'll help you to work through your ideas and help you build an action plan to achieve your goals.

If you want to see what a personal finance coach can do for you, email michellecroner@y7mail.com and introduce yourself.  Put "Coach me Michelle" in the subject line to get a personal reply.

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